This page is meant to be a challenge. A number of different passages will be placed here - encrypted in various ways with ASCIIWeb. You goal, should you choose to accept it, is to break these codes and return their full and accurate plaintext - without access to any passwords or encryption keys. You already have the publicly available source of the algorithm to work with. If you really need a hint, you can take a look at the cheat sheet, although you wouldn't have something like this in real life.
It is true that ASCIIWeb may be a fairly good algorithm - in which case, some of the later encryption problems on this page may not be solvable in a humanly feasible amount of time. If that's the case, I will be happy :) If not, please write in and send me the plaintext that you retrieved, as well as how you went about cracking the encryption (and whether you used the cheat sheet!). Some of the problems ("This one should be fairly simple." & "Now we're shifting to a new paradigm...") should be fairly easy to crack through standard methods - the rest should be significantly harder, and I would be interested to know if they are broken.
Unfortunately, this is a nonprofit site funded out of my own pocket, so there is no reward for cracking these other than bragging rights (and your name listed on this page) at this time. BTW, noone is not someone's handle - it indicates that this ciphertext has not yet been cracked.